Eat Your Vegetables!!

Ok, there is a great low calorie food that you can eat in almost limitless amounts and not worry about how much you are eating and how big was that portion and how many calories does this have anyway……THESE ARE CALLED VEGETABLES.

Most of us do not eat enough of them or we load them down with fats, butter – even deep fry them.   But vegetables in their natural form are amazing for you.  Whether you are trying to lose weight, control your blood pressure, help your diabetes, prevent cancer or heart disease or just to live longer and healthier – vegetables are a major key that people forget.

CALORIES – Vegetables have very little calories until you load them with toppings.  Here are some examples:

  • Raw Baby Carrots – 12 of them – 48 calories
  • Green Beans – 1 cup cooked– 41 calories
  • Asparagus – 10 small spears – 20 calories

Eating more vegetables will help to naturally reduce the calories you put in your body.   Reduce your use of sauces and learn how to prepare veggies.   Most veggies taste better fresh or frozen than they do canned. And veggies you have hated forever may just need to be better prepared.  Nothing tastes good boiled to death so learn to steam, saute without fats and even air fry and prepare them differently and you will start to LOVE THEM!!